School Outreach

ALIF School Outreach program

ALIF has determined that everyone has what it takes to rise and shine. We offer dedicated outreach programs for secondary students which focus on raising aspirations and planning pathways to the future.  Underpinned by your support and funding, our activities aim to inspire students from JSS2 to SS3, particularly those who would be the first in their family to attend higher education. All programs have a particular focus on improving the access to higher education of students from low income, rural communities, through activities delivered in collaboration with their respective schools, Brainforte Foundation, Universities and sundry community organisations.

The programs aim to:

  • Improve reading ability and habits amongst students and teachers
  • Build aspirations and awareness of post school choices  
  • Offer career planning and guidance 
  • Demystify higher education 
  • Raise parent awareness of further education opportunities
  • Provide professional development activities for teachers
  • Develop educational resources and learning materials


Due to funding challenges, outreach services are at the moment, limited to secondary schools and are generally offered by invitation only.